Sunday, June 2, 2013

Lesson Plan Template

I have been trying to create a lesson plan template that I can use universally. I find that most premade lesson plan books cater to the needs of the typical classroom. I have been researching templates, and have found a few on pinterest that inspired my lesson plan. This template had all of the key things I wanted, but I personally am very specific about the allocation of sections. ( I am a little OCD when it comes down to it) . I will often shuffle through lesson plans I have previously made and  I can never find it right away. I decided I need to have an identifier at the top to find it quickly. I LOVE her process of planning and her blog is definitely something to check out, From The Music Box. I really like how this template included the standards right in, without having to look up the tricky number and concept. I decided to add the standards that apply to Illinois, and I am just highlighting the standards that apply to the specific lesson! Her blog is also awesome, Melody Soup. Overall I stole a bunch of ideas from a bunch of people and came up with a conclusive lesson plan template. Please leave your ideas to make it better!